
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Innovation Policy in the European Union

Innovation policy at the pan-European and national levels in Europe today is facing important challenges and decision points. The relative absence of commercialization of research outcomes remains a major issue across Europe, as does the need to put university-industry relations on a new footing. Of particular concern are the issues that are not being discussed in Europe with regards to the future health and vitality of the European innovation system, including university reform and the chronic under-performance of European industry in the application of new ICT technologies for strategic advantage and productivity improvements. This seminar, led by Dr. Burton Lee of the Stanford School of Engineering, provides a broad overview of the state of innovation policy in Europe today, and where it appears to be headed in the next 2-3 years. This event is moderated by Stephen Ezell, Senior Analyst, ITIF.
-by Olivia

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Olivia, for sharing recent development in implementing innovative policy !
