
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Statement About The Group Work

Dear tutor
This is a statement that all the work in this blog should be considered as group cooperation, including the main posts, the video production and the mapping. In each session, the members of our group get together to have a discussion and then choose one representative to post our ideal and achievement on the group blog. We just regard this blog as a platform of putting final product, posting by whom can’t be the criterion of the contribution, since everyone make a difference and has their respective contributions in each post. In addition, the comments and communication in each session of the blog are seem not enough, because each session we do the face to face oral discussion several times, since we live very near and almost meet everyday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Innovation Policy in the European Union

Innovation policy at the pan-European and national levels in Europe today is facing important challenges and decision points. The relative absence of commercialization of research outcomes remains a major issue across Europe, as does the need to put university-industry relations on a new footing. Of particular concern are the issues that are not being discussed in Europe with regards to the future health and vitality of the European innovation system, including university reform and the chronic under-performance of European industry in the application of new ICT technologies for strategic advantage and productivity improvements. This seminar, led by Dr. Burton Lee of the Stanford School of Engineering, provides a broad overview of the state of innovation policy in Europe today, and where it appears to be headed in the next 2-3 years. This event is moderated by Stephen Ezell, Senior Analyst, ITIF.
-by Olivia

Section 7: Policy & role of ecology in sustaining innovation

CN012 is a co-educational secondary school in the New Territories of Hong Kong. This practice was first implemented in 2000.
There are 27 classes with a total of 996 students and 54 teachers in this school. Most of the students come from lower middle class families in the neighboring public housing. Two physics teachers, one laboratory technician and 35 Secondary 6 students were involved in this innovation. This practice was mainly implemented in Physics lessons. It addresses the importance of engaging students in designing some experiments that verify a mathematical model in scientific phenomena which is related to the curriculum content,
In this case, “Teachers told students that the five-year policy ‘Information Technology for Learning in a New Era Five Year Strategy’ boosted the implementation of IT in school and the use of IT in teaching and learning in this school. It was mentioned by the IT team that an additional teacher was granted to the school under the ICT scheme of the Quality Education Fund. This teacher took up part of the responsibility for managing the school network system and teaching teachers how to use some of the software. Furthermore, teachers also told students that the equipment for this project was also granted by the Quality Education fund.”
From the case, we can find during the last 10 years, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have provided a wealth of new technological opportunities, with the rapid deployment of the Internet. An ideal ICT policy should be sustainable at a national as well as at a school level. It should be cost-effective, cater to school goals, improve student achievement, enhance teacher quality and enable users to adapt to change.
While the government plays the most important role in the formulation of ICT policy, it decides how countries are able to take advantage of the technical opportunities available to them and exploit them for good. And investment is constrained to be the important factor to influence the development of ICT in education. Besides the investment, public concern also is another important factor.
1. how to combine the ICT resources and teaching methods
2. how to develop digital learning standards.
3. how related staff to support the work.
Moreover, it is also very important to balance the point between the demands of improving practice over time and pressing public concerns such as accountability and equity, between the cycle of change in technology and the cycle of change in schools, between the skills of tomorrow and the skills of today.
The picture below shows the ICT framework.

From the picture, we can clearly see that the education practice base on three basic resources, the software such as a management system, the hardware like labs with a lot of computers or multimedia equipment, and the last is the human resource, for example the teacher who had be trained or an experienced the principal. This is the inside circle which called execution circle, these three points are the basic force to promote the education practice improvement.
And outside circle I called it powerful circle, this means the three points have the strong power or ability to influence education practice improvement.
Investment is constrained to be the important factor to influence the development of ICT in education. There are three key themes which are used as rationales for investment in educational technology.
1. Technology as a tool for addressing challenges in teaching and learning. Teacher of nowadays teacher, technology provides a new approach to solve the teaching problem that makes the students more effective in study. And spend less money than usual.
2. Technology as a change agent. Regardless of what is going on today, a change agent has a vision of what could or should be and uses that as the governing sense of action. IT makes the future be a much better vision, without technology the change agent can lose their way.
3. Technology as a central force in economic competitiveness. With the new IT developing, new innovation will be bring out, like ipad, iphone, that will change all the worlds' economic, at the same time, IT in education also will be influenced. New competitiveness will be rounded by IT. IT will take the position of traditional equipment, to be the new, powerful competitiveness

All in all, an ideal ICT policy should balance improving teaching practice with pressing public concerns, in that way, the circle above will have a complete framework system. And with the all important factor, the education practice will reach to a new level.
========================================= By Group

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

session 6:School context and innovation - Changing Education Paradigms

This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.

-by Olivia

Monday, November 7, 2011

China vs. U.S. School context and Innovation

Here is a video about the difference in school context and innovation between China and America. By wcomparation,I think we can get a deeper understanding about the topic in this session.


session 6--School context and innovation

This session is about School context and innovation and can be divided into several parts: School background,School strategies,Principal leadership,School ICT infrastructure and Government and community support.
We group first analyzed the example from the SITES-ME. We forcused on the ES001: Cooperrative Project Using Telecommunication Tools to Study the Climate and Weather. Four schools participated in this innovative co-operative project. Every weekday, pupils from different schools had to share introduce meteorological data in the Internet to them with the partner schools. Then they finally carried out comparative research projects on weather variables. This project had various objectives, from conceptual learning, mastery of use of different measurement tools, handling and making sense of data to facilitation of cooperative learning with virtual cooperative groups. Teachers provided suggestions and guidance for students learning, whereas students working in groups made the final decisions of what they wanted to learn and how they were going to do. The school background of this case is a strong educational vision and experience in Innovation and ICT use. This is also a case with strategies in establishing new teams for implementation, with visionary leader, with mobile computing capability and student access beyond class contact and general government policy support appeared to be relatively emergent in terms of teachers' and students' roles.
Besides, we have done some reach about the School context and innovation of mainland China and found that most school backgrounds of the schools in mainland China are council schools and alignment with government education policy. The schools forcus more on exam scores than ICT or innovation and have a traditional pedagogical practices. Though some of the principals agree with the innovation in education, they pay more attention to that if the students can pass the Matriculation Exam. This schools do have the ICT infrastructure but the use of ICT in education is just a face job and teachers care more about publishing papers rather than using ICT in teaching. Also, the government has the policy to support the innovation in school. However, as the college entrance examination system in mainland is not change, principals and teachers still prefer the traditional pedagogy.
Here is a web side about characteristics of the Higher Education in Mainland China:

By Group